Pan-European infrastructure for ocean & marine data management

European Directory of Marine Organisations (EDMO)

Organisation details

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National Marine Fisheries Research Institute (NMFRI)
Native name
Morski Instytut Rybacki Państwowy Instytut Badawczy w Gdyni
Kollataja 1
+48 587-356-232
Centre Website

organisation profile

The Institute's beginnings date back to June 1921 when the Sea FisheriesLaboratory was established in Hel for the purpose of conducting research in hydrology and marine biology. This institution was closed in1931 and then reopened in 1932 as the Marine Station. It was moved to its new headquarters, the present building of the NMFRI Gdynia Aquarium,in Gdynia at the end of 1938. After the Second World War, the Marine Station in Gdynia was reactivated under its original name of the Sea Fisheries Laboratory. In 1947, the SFL was incorporated into the Sea Fisheries Institute, which had been in operation since 1928. Beginning in 1949, the SFI was a departmental institution supervised by the Ministry of Navigation. Until 1991 it operated from its headquarters at the end of the South Pier in Gdynia when it moved to its new location onul. Kołłątaja. Since 2000, the Sea Fisheries Institute has been supervised by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD). According to the Regulation of the Council of Ministers of June 2011, the Institute has been awarded National Research Institute (NRI) status.Upon attaining the status of NRI, the National Marine Fisheries Research Institute has joined the elite ranks of Polish national research institutes.
The NMFRI mission is to advance the capacity of science to provide advice on human activities affecting and affected by marine ecosystems.
The NMFRI mission is:

  • to establish effective paths for providing scientific advice to the Polish fishery administration, the EU Commission, and relevant international organizations;
  • to perform and promote physical, chemical, biological, and interdisciplinary research of the marine environment;
  • to perform and promote research in the fields of processing technology, marine foodstuff safety, fishery economics, and fishery technology;
  • to foster public awareness of wide-ranging topics on the functioning and rational utilization of marine ecosystems with special emphasis on sustainable fisheries and the ecosystem approach to fisheries management issues.

The main research interests of the NMFRI include disciplines that enablean ecosystem approach to fisheries management, i.e. - marine ecology, marine chemistry, fishing gear technology, and fishery economics. The area of innovative and technical research done by the NMFRI comprises fish processing technology and mechanization as well as food and environmental chemistry.
International cooperation coordinated by the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) is crucial for the scientific researchpreformed at the NMFRI. Another important aspect of Institute research is fisheries data collection and management within the European Union Data Collection Framework (DCF). This is an indispensable element of Poland's implementation of the EU Common Fisheries Policy.

results in other services

  • Data Discovery & Access service - Data Originators (CDI)
  • Cruise summary report (CSR)
  • Marine environmental research project (EDMERP)
  • Marine environmental databases (EDMED)

edmo metadata

EDMO record id
Collating centre
Institute of Meteorology and Water Management National Research Institute, Poland (IMGW-NRI)
Latest update
4 June 2020 12:50:23 PM